
The 2022 CCFF Announces the Award Winners of Official Competition

2022-10-04 23:27

[Selected works for project promotion]

<팔레트> 강다연 감독(KOR), <노이즈> 홍인지 감독(KOR)

[International Independent SF Competition]

Bomnae Prize: Kim Boyoung <A Guitar in the Bucket>(KOR)

Vision of Chuncheon(Feature): Marisa Cohen, Peter Issac Alexander <THE CLOAKED REALM>(USA)

Vision of Chuncheon(Short): Eduardo Bunster, Belén Abarza <THEO>(Chile)

Global Futuristic Filmmaker: Shang-Yan Jiang <Shine on Us>(Taiwan)

                             Patricia Huguet <M.O.M.>(Spain)

Audience Award: Marisa Cohen, Peter Issac Alexander <THE CLOAKED REALM>


[Korean Independent SF Competition]

Bomnae Prize: Kim Woonha <NOISE RHAPSODY>

Vision of Chuncheon: Lim Daseul <BLINKY>

Global Futuristic Filmmaker: Park Juhee <My Daddy is an Alien> Kim Dongyeon <The Weight of Data>

Audience Award: Kim Woonha <NOISE RHAPSODY>

[Korean Children and Youth Film]

Bomnae Prize: Yoon Jiyeon, Lee Seobin, Lee Jungseo <Good Night>

Vision of Chuncheon: Jo Inyoung <Enigmatic VR>

Vision of Chuncheon:  Hong Inji <My Granny>

Global Futuristic Filmmaker youth: Kim Yoona <The bed>

Global Futuristic Filmmaker kids: Kim Daehyun <Escape From School>

Audience Award: Lim Haeun <I wanna be>

Many of the 16 films in the 2022 International Independent SF Competition of the Chuncheon SF Film Festival were created during the pandemic. Having been conceived in a dark era, the jury could sense in these filmmakers’ stories their concerns about the present, but also their dreams for a better future. In particular, numerous films related to genetics and AI showed in vivid detail how new advances in technology have the potential to transform our lives in both positive and negative ways. Science fiction is a genre of ideas, and the award winning films in this section are filled with wit and inventive storytelling, at the same time as they leave the audience with many ideas to ponder after the end credits have rolled. We congratulate the winning filmmakers, and look forward to their future works.

Regarding the individual awards, the jury has the following comments:

GUITAR IN THE BUCKET is an imaginative and strikingly-rendered vision of an alternate reality, which nonetheless evokes much of the alienation and absurdity of contemporary life.

THE CLOAKED REALM opened the jury’s eyes to two surprising and visionary literary works from the 19th century, brought to life through the medium of animation.

THEO is a simple idea given force by engaging performances, effective directing and a slowly building tension. In making much out of a little, it represents the best of the short film format.

SHINE ON US is a compassionate fable with universal appeal, that leaves a strong impression with its finely-drawn imagery and visual details.

M.O.M. effectively captures the anxiety of realizing that the technologies we rely on so much in our daily lives may not have our best interests at heart.
전체 165
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